1) Scope of Work
PHOTOGRAPHER agrees to provide Commercial Photography Services, for CLIENT, which includes consulting, styling material gathering, plus all edited product images, from the shoot.
2) Fees
PHOTOGRAPHER shall provide services for $450 per hour. Session fee will be invoiced to CLIENT and must be paid no later than one week after the session has taken place. Any expenses incurred prior and during shoot such as styling materials and backdrops will be billed and deemed payable by CLIENT. PHOTOGRAPHER will provide CLIENT with an itemized list of expenses plus receipts.
3) Image Processing and Delivery
Developing and processing images will take up to 3 weeks. Upon completion, images will be delivered to CLIENT, via an online gallery, if session fees and all incurred expenses have been paid in full.
4) File Resolution and Permission
All photographic materials, including but not limited to digital files, prints and proofs shall be the exclusive property of the PHOTOGRAPHER. Prints and/or images provided to CLIENT are for CLIENT’S personal business’ use only. CLIENT shall not sell or authorize any reproductions of said prints.
CLIENT will receive high resolution watermark-free images for web and print use, for promotion and advertising purposes only. CLIENT and CLIENT’S business and related associate are the only authorized users of any digital files/images and shall not attempt to gain profit or monetary compensation through distribution of these files.
5) Use Release
By signing this agreement, CLIENT agrees to allow their session images to be used by PHOTOGRAPHER for promotional use such as but not limited to: website, portfolio, self-promotion, marketing and professional competition without further notice.
6) Storage of Received Images
Delivery of gallery of edited images releases PHOTOGRAPHER of all responsibility to store or maintain edited or original files/images. It is the responsibility of the CLIENT to make sure all images received are backed-up and stored properly.
7) Loss or damage of film or digital files
Any loss or damage of film or digital files during processing/editing will result in CLIENT receiving a full refund of fees paid. CLIENT can choose to reschedule another session, and the PHOTOGRAPHER will credit CLIENT fees already paid. PHOTOGRAPHER is not responsible for any additional compensation.
8) Rescheduling
In the case that PHOTOGRAPHER must delay the shoot due to health issues, accident, or death, CLIENT has the option to cancel the contract (full refund) or agree to another shoot date.
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